Saturday, November 3, 2012

Family time!

Today was my Aunt's birthday. I didn't know for sure though until this afternoon when I saw my cousin's beautiful cake. I'm telling you he has real potential in the baking industry. Anyway today was another waste of time. I finished none of my homework and I hardly even left the house. I basically was a lazy bum today. But then came night time! Yesterday my Mom was criticizing my Dad on how he's always addicted to his phone. Whether at home or at work he's constantly checking his texts or using it for something. It's really ironic actually, because my dad hates it when he sees one of those addicted teenagers who text even as you're talking to them! Thus, when my mom criticized him he suddenly realized his addiction and went on this whole idea that we should have 'family time' together. Surprisingly though it was not a disappointment. My dad actually played the board game. On the downside 5 minutes into the game, i realized one of our cards were missing and it messed up the whole game ( we were playing Clue). After that my parents went to bed while my brother and I acted in a game of charades. It was so funny I couldn't stop laughing. After tiring out from that, we lay down on the couch and played "Fortunately Unfortunately" until we fell asleep. And that was how I spent my Saturday night!

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