Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Extraordinary Animal

What is the difference between me, and a simple animal? What is it that makes us as humans the higher being, the best of creation, the protectors of animals? Why is it not the other way around? Yes, okay we can think, but what does that really mean? I was just thinking about this today. As a teenager, there're 2 things on my mind, food, and love. Yes guys, I'm a sucker for romance :P But seriously, if we think about it, humans are classified as animals right? But there's something different about us. We don't just survive, we invent, we create (stolen line from Ratatouille movie)....... we can control ourselves.
 That's the simple truth. It is our human ability to control our desires that sets apart from animals. When we are hungry and want to eat, we stop ourselves from fear of gaining weight, or best, because it is Allah (swt) who tells us to not overeat, but rather to fill only 2/3 of your stomach. Similarly, when we have the desire for someone, or are attracted to someone, we stop ourselves. Why? Because Allah (swt) told us to. This profound struggle that we all go through everyday, is the admirable factor that differentiates me from an animal. But if I give in to my desires, and eat whatever I want, do whatever I feel, than how am I any different from an animal?
 Let this be a message to anyone and everyone that we need to present ourselves in the best way because after all we are the best of creation. It is our job as the human race to own up to our title as the best of creation and make this a reality. So who will you choose to be an animal or an extraordinary one?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Why Wudu??? UGHH I don't want to get all cold

Seriously? Is that your excuse? You don't want to get cold?
I know, may Allah (swt) forgive me for being so lazy. It's the worst, but sometimes this really is my excuse. I know it's bad and I promise when I say, "I have the utmost guilt in what I am doing and I need and want to fix it!" My problem doesn't stop there though. You know that feeling when you want to have the utmost khushoo in your salah but you think "eh, I don't even have wudu anyway, so the prayer doesn't even count." Because of my slacking off in wudu, my salah is also ruined. I'm so lazy, that's the problem.  I think of all these amazing miracles, and glorious things about Allah (swt) and I really do believe in them, but when it comes to action especially the most important of actions, Salah, I slack off; one of the root causes for this slacking off is my laziness in wudu, if I even get to it. So here it goes. I'm going to tell myself and hopefully this will be helpful to you, why I MUST get up in the morning to make wudu and pray Fajr (regardless of if I have school or not. I get up for Allah (swt) not for school!)
Note to Self:
1. You need to get out of bed, think of the dua you are saying,
                    "Praise be to You Oh Allah, Who gave me life after making me  die (small death,                                       basically you are in a small death when you are asleep) and we arise to Him"
  Are you so disrespectful, and disobedient that you can't even get up and pray to your Lord Who gave you     life? He gave you life again, use it to thank Him and praise Him.
2.Good, now you're in the bathroom, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT FAKING THAT FAUCET! Allah (swt) knows that you are not really making wudu, even if your parents don't. You are going to pray in front of Allah, The Most Magnificent!!!!!! How dishonorable and bad would it look to go in with a dirty body. Your breath smells bad, hair all oily and tousled, gunk in your eyes, trust me, it ain't pretty from this side.
3. After making your Niyyah (intention) wash your hands, just start with the simple step
4. Yup, now rinse your mouth. You want to have the freshest breath for your Lord. Brushing your teeth would be even better, but its ok we're starting easy right?
5. Now the nose.
6. Then rinse your face. Let the water flow down, as it cleanses and purifies, bringing all the dirt and impurities away. You want to have a shining, pure face for Allah!
7. Now the elbows, yes, I know, you hate that. I hate it too, when you get super cold? But look, you're already half awake, just keep at it and Allah will give you so much more for this small struggle.
8. You've filled your hands with water now drop it and smooth the wet hands over your head/hair/scalp. Look, the thing is you want to be as clean as possible for Allah correct? If you went to meet Barack Obama today you would take a whole shower wouldn't you? Don't try to lie to me, you know you'd be all decked out: teeth brushed, full shower, fresh, clean, ironed, fancy clothing. Come on, anyone would get dressed up for the president of the United States of America! But seriously, this is bigger than the President, it's Allah (swt)! He's not even judging you for slacking off on the teeth brushing. Allah is here for you, He wants to here your duas from His servants who left their comfortable beds for Him. Basically, don't hesitate, this is supposed to be a mini shower.
9. Make sure to get behind those ears!
10. Lastly, the feet. Yes, I agree they can be annoying at times, but again you're almost done! Just remind yourself that you are going to be standing in front of THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN ALL THE UNIVERSE, heck He made the universe, or should I say universes!
11. Alhamdulillah, you are complete!!! Give yourself a pat on the back.
12. But you're not done yet. Now go out there and pour your heart out to Allah (swt). Show Him that you are a believer with faith in action, ready to obey at a moments call.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A New Life, A New Perspective

 Today I went to my aunt's house for dinner. It was my younger aunt. I ate dinner with them as we talked about my cousins at WIHI. After that I asked if we could watch the video my cousin made. It was an assignment for school, World Literature class to be exact. He had to write/tell a story including all the elements of the Hero's Journey. From ordinary life, to call to adventure, refusal of call to adventure, to crossing the threshold, he had to include every element.

 Though he had the option of doing a fictional story, my cousin decided to do his own real journey from India to America. I sat there watching his video as he described his ordinary life. Where he had many friends, family and as I recall 'his two best sisters.' I couldn't help but imagine this wonderful and comfortable life it must have been before. He went on to talk about the call to adventure from his uncle (my dad) who lived in America. (My dad basically called his sisters to come move to America). It was the next thing that my cousin said that really broke my heart. "I told my parents I would not leave. I didn't want to leave all my family and good friends behind. I didn't want to leave behind everything I knew" I imagined my cousin, the good obeying son, refusing to leave, disobeying his parents. Not only was this unlike him but it made me realize how serious and severe this was. It was a decision and move that would change his life forever.

 He talked about coming to America and making new friends. He said the hardest part was learning the accent. He had to struggle a lot but he got it. He talked about how he had to say goodbye to his sisters because they left for India to finish their schooling. He said he made new friends but he never was able to talk to his old friends again and lost contact. (he didn't literally say this but this is what happened. My cousin has this ability to not let things bother him too much).

 Suddenly I was choking on tears trying to keep it in. This little boy at the age of 10 was able to cope with all this. He was so brave, both my cousins. Having to leave family members behind. Making new friends learning a new accent. And do you know what he said at the end of all this? "My reward was my name. I became a new person and I was something (meaning I meant something to this world). I had done something challenging" When I heard this I just couldn't help it. My eyes began to tear up. I thought of how pathetic I was. How the little things that I complained about were really nothing. "I am a spoiled, ungrateful child" was all I could think. But I want to change that. I want to learn to be independent and to work hard.

After that, we left as my aunt reminded me that my OTHER cousin was missing his dad. His dad has to work out in Texas and he just started the job, leaving his son and wife in America for their second year. That just broke my heart even more. Both of them were dealing with something that I just couldn't relate too. I wished I could so that I could make them feel better and just truly understand but I couldn't.

But I realize now that crying about it won't help. I have to do something and the best thing is dua. I pray to Allah everyday that He keeps my brother and my cousins on the straight path. I pray that Allah (swt) keeps them in the best of company and that he protects them from the punishment of the grave. Amin. They've taught me a lesson, those two.That this life is not easy by any means but it's the way you look at it, your perspective that really determines your happiness in this life. And if your goal is Allah swt, and your perspective is looked through the Islamic perspective , then you can never go wrong. With Allah on our side, we can never lose.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

New Pet

Omg! Got new fish today! Actually they're my brothers which is awesome because that means I get to watch and play with the goldfish without having to clean out there yucky poop and stuff.  He got it from a fair. Most people say they don't live that long. Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Awkward BFF Situation

Hmmmmm............What to blog about? Let's see, its Friday!Clearly, writing this is just an excuse not to call my best friend. Me and her are best friends, but there's one... wierd... problem. I don't know why but for some reason we've never actually talked together on the phone. I mean we've talked when I have to ask her is she coming swimming with me today, or is she coming to the mosque, bur i've surprisingly never talked, talked to her. This week (Monday). I told her at swimming class that we have to call each other. But I kept postponing it. What if it's awkward? What if we have nothing to talk about? Does this mean we aren't BFF's? Oh no, esta muy muy muy confundido!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Why do you wear that scarf on your head?- PART 3

Finally, are the rules of wearing the hijab. In truth it's very simple, our beauty is for our husband and so we are allowed to take it off in front of our husband. We also do not wear the scarf in front of our brothers, fathers, grandfathers, first uncles, etc. Basically the scarf is worn in front of any man who you could possibly marry. Thus, you don't have to wear it in front of anyone who you couldn't marry, for example your brother. Though most people are not aware of this, the term "hijab" refers to the whole body. When people look at Muslim women, we look at this piece of cloth on their head and assume that the scarf is the hijab. However, hijab actually means covering the WHOLE body. You may see some women wearing a long dress/jacket-like outfit. Other women wear skirts and long loose clothing. When we wear the hijab we are covering our whole body from hair, to curves, to anything else, except for the face and hands. Some people cover their faces as well, this is a more greyish area that depends upon the person. And that's it. I hope you all enjoyed these more informative blog posts, and that the next time you meet a woman with a scarf on her head, you'll know that it's not a limit of beauty but rather a beautiful reminder for our purpose in life. If you all want more blog posts like this, just post a comment below asking any questions and I will answer it to the best of my ability, Inshallah(if God wills). :)