Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Extraordinary Animal

What is the difference between me, and a simple animal? What is it that makes us as humans the higher being, the best of creation, the protectors of animals? Why is it not the other way around? Yes, okay we can think, but what does that really mean? I was just thinking about this today. As a teenager, there're 2 things on my mind, food, and love. Yes guys, I'm a sucker for romance :P But seriously, if we think about it, humans are classified as animals right? But there's something different about us. We don't just survive, we invent, we create (stolen line from Ratatouille movie)....... we can control ourselves.
 That's the simple truth. It is our human ability to control our desires that sets apart from animals. When we are hungry and want to eat, we stop ourselves from fear of gaining weight, or best, because it is Allah (swt) who tells us to not overeat, but rather to fill only 2/3 of your stomach. Similarly, when we have the desire for someone, or are attracted to someone, we stop ourselves. Why? Because Allah (swt) told us to. This profound struggle that we all go through everyday, is the admirable factor that differentiates me from an animal. But if I give in to my desires, and eat whatever I want, do whatever I feel, than how am I any different from an animal?
 Let this be a message to anyone and everyone that we need to present ourselves in the best way because after all we are the best of creation. It is our job as the human race to own up to our title as the best of creation and make this a reality. So who will you choose to be an animal or an extraordinary one?

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