Sunday, June 16, 2013

New Pet

Omg! Got new fish today! Actually they're my brothers which is awesome because that means I get to watch and play with the goldfish without having to clean out there yucky poop and stuff.  He got it from a fair. Most people say they don't live that long. Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Awkward BFF Situation

Hmmmmm............What to blog about? Let's see, its Friday!Clearly, writing this is just an excuse not to call my best friend. Me and her are best friends, but there's one... wierd... problem. I don't know why but for some reason we've never actually talked together on the phone. I mean we've talked when I have to ask her is she coming swimming with me today, or is she coming to the mosque, bur i've surprisingly never talked, talked to her. This week (Monday). I told her at swimming class that we have to call each other. But I kept postponing it. What if it's awkward? What if we have nothing to talk about? Does this mean we aren't BFF's? Oh no, esta muy muy muy confundido!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Why do you wear that scarf on your head?- PART 3

Finally, are the rules of wearing the hijab. In truth it's very simple, our beauty is for our husband and so we are allowed to take it off in front of our husband. We also do not wear the scarf in front of our brothers, fathers, grandfathers, first uncles, etc. Basically the scarf is worn in front of any man who you could possibly marry. Thus, you don't have to wear it in front of anyone who you couldn't marry, for example your brother. Though most people are not aware of this, the term "hijab" refers to the whole body. When people look at Muslim women, we look at this piece of cloth on their head and assume that the scarf is the hijab. However, hijab actually means covering the WHOLE body. You may see some women wearing a long dress/jacket-like outfit. Other women wear skirts and long loose clothing. When we wear the hijab we are covering our whole body from hair, to curves, to anything else, except for the face and hands. Some people cover their faces as well, this is a more greyish area that depends upon the person. And that's it. I hope you all enjoyed these more informative blog posts, and that the next time you meet a woman with a scarf on her head, you'll know that it's not a limit of beauty but rather a beautiful reminder for our purpose in life. If you all want more blog posts like this, just post a comment below asking any questions and I will answer it to the best of my ability, Inshallah(if God wills). :)