Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day Before Eid-ul-Adha

Well its been a long time since i've written. I dont know how old I was in my last post but i'm in tenth grade now. scary I know. Anyway I go to an IB school so of course they relish in the joy of giving us homework :( But thankfully its the weekend. And not just any weekend, a no homework weekend! I bet you can guess what that means- NO HOMEWORK. Ever since i've gone to my IB school me and my friends all have this joke that going to an IB school means having no life including the weekends, unless its a no homework weekend. So now i can say "wow I now have a temporary life!" until monday comes. I hate mondays, who's with me? I mean even the word sounds like, mundane. You know, as in boring. Going back to school, you know im in IB because i haven't even had time to look forward to my holiday which is tommorow. I think this is the first time im actually thinking and mentioning it for this year. Im excited. My holiday is called eid. I am Muslim, and im proud of it. It makes me sad when people hate our religion because they know nothing about it, except from what they here on tv. Any questions, please ask. Anyway, im at the library right now, it makes me sad when you walk into a library and you see millions of shelves full of wonderful books just waiting to be opened, but all the aisles are empty. Then you look at the computer lab and there's the swarm of people to whom those hundreds of cars parked outside belong to. It's like what's the point of coming to a library if you don't read the books? EVEN THE KIDS ARE DOING IT! Anyway see ya guys later, gotta work on a book report :(

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