Wow today i came to an amazing realization. See as we all know humans get distracted by our desires. Unfortunately i have been getting distracted by many of my desires, some of which are horrible habits. Just now i was about to go to youtube and just do another wasting of my time (ive been wasting my time this whole week cuz im at my grandparents)but then i thought lemme just put on an islamic song so that my parents see that i at least listen to islamic songs. So i did and as a coincedence the song was called Realization. it talked all about how a man realized the importance of his life, and duty on Earth. JUst at that minute i realized to. I understood that many times although i may noty want to do something good if i just start with a little i can do the rest. It is the first step that is the most important and i need to remember that i should always leave everything and take that first step to Allah (swt)
P.S. i am listening to Madinah Tun Nabi right now instead of somethin else.
P.P.S. Quran, Nanaba, HAlaqa (reminders for nxt post)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Funny Moments With My Brother
So today my brother and i had the the best and maybe a little naughty time ever. My mom was talking to my grandparents and whenever she finally gets the chance to talk to them she takes it and talks for a long time (thus leaving us more time to do naughty things without her finding out). OK so my brother and i are not the best kids but we are real close and (hopefully) no one can break us apart. Anywho, we first started off by filling our bathroom sink with water and then we brought up two ingredients, red food coloring, and oil. We poured the oil in the sink of water and then put a bit of food coloring in there too and it looked awesome. Whenever we twirled the water/oil mixture it wood form long bubbles (its really cool you should try it). Then i tried to make an oil painting out of it by placing paper on the water but for some reason it didn't work. Well, then we went to wash our hands off and we found....
DUN DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN. i know what ur thinkin and you guys are right! The minute we started there was no stopping us. We smeared shaving cream on the bathroom counter and wrote stuff inside. My most favorite part was when i took the cream and put it over my chin and over my lip. I looked like santa clause with black hair; It was hilarious. My brother was to afraid to do it but i urged him to do it, and told him i wouldn't wipe my (beard) off until he did. Poor him though. My brother tried to close his mouth and smear the shaving cream on, but he put soo much that the shaving cream fell into his mouth the minute he opened up his mouth and smiled. He started spitting like crazy and i felt sooo bad for him. But in the end it was a good laugh. I had soo much fun with him, except for the part when we had to clean all that shaving cream up. It was still worth it though.
DUN DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN. i know what ur thinkin and you guys are right! The minute we started there was no stopping us. We smeared shaving cream on the bathroom counter and wrote stuff inside. My most favorite part was when i took the cream and put it over my chin and over my lip. I looked like santa clause with black hair; It was hilarious. My brother was to afraid to do it but i urged him to do it, and told him i wouldn't wipe my (beard) off until he did. Poor him though. My brother tried to close his mouth and smear the shaving cream on, but he put soo much that the shaving cream fell into his mouth the minute he opened up his mouth and smiled. He started spitting like crazy and i felt sooo bad for him. But in the end it was a good laugh. I had soo much fun with him, except for the part when we had to clean all that shaving cream up. It was still worth it though.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wearied Out
Omg hey everyone I am so tired. MY parents are awesome but they go crazy when it comes to knowledge and grades and u get the picture. Yeah my parents are doctors and even though im lucky that they dont want me to be a doctor too(i really dont like science and im bad at it too)they really push my grades. See even though they are fine with me not being a doctor, they still want me to be some type of money making person. Technically i dont have to work if i dont want to cuz im obviously a girl but my parents insist and i guess its good. So anyway im an 8th grader trying to do THREE tutoring classes and keep my grades up all at the same time. I have to get up at 7:30 IN THE MORNING to drive 40 minutes out to some small city just to study how to write better, that stinks.Ive been to a lot of tutoring classes in my life but this one really is annoying. And just to top it off i have to wait after the class in some small room next to it for 5 HOURS so that my brother's class can finish. Its really complicated and sooooo Hectic, so yeah. But luckily my mom is awesome and she let me watch the Race To Witch Mountain my favorite action movie. So yeah well thats it see ya.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Cutest LIttle Girl Quote! AWWWW
Hey guys wats up! So i love little kids right? Well not all of them just the ones that are 3 and older i like people who are older than me too wait* thats not the point. Ok so i was playing with my best friend's little sister. She's five years old and has the cutest little accent its all hightched and little girly. Anyways i was talking to her and i asked her if she still likes Dora (her absolute favorite character , she loves Dora so much that she has a haircut just like it) she was so cute she looked up to me and said in her high pitched voice " im gonna like Dora forever even when grow up to be like you!" I was like thats so cute i hve to put it in my blog so i can remember this forever. But you know actually she said some even cuter things before but ill save that for later. Btw my best friend is actually a girl named Helen. This girl who i was talkin about her older sister is actually like my sister. Her name is Fawn. Our family hangs out every Saturday in fact we even made a pact that in ten years we would still keep in touch and be the best of family friends. But ill tell you all about her family later.
keep in mind that all the names i give are not exactly their real names so please dont go lookin them up its not safe
keep in mind that all the names i give are not exactly their real names so please dont go lookin them up its not safe
Finally The Popcorn Bucket
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
COOL CAKES!!!! Gross Popcorn

ok i know i said id get a really cool pizza pic but i couldnt find it, i searched all day ok a couple a minutes but still i couldnt find it but youve gotta admit these pics are still really cool my brother loves the paint cake. he love the different colors. i personally love the popcorn one, that is soo cool. Oh but its really disgusting cuz the popcorn inside the bucket is REAL POPCORN EEEEWWWWW DISGUSTING just to let you know buttery popcorn and sugary cake does not mix i dont care wat anyone says that combination is just plain gross. But still tak a look
Lets Decorate Some Cakes
Hey guys so for a class project we are supposed to spend our time doing somethin that involves learning somethin new. (Our teachers wanna keep us off the computers)But the fun part is that it can be anything from archery to watercolor painting as long as it is a new skill that we have never learned before. Well a couple of my friends and i decided to do cake decorating but since there were soo many of us ( im so awesome and popular just kiddin) my friend Melanie and her mom decided to hold a cake decorating class for us. Soo now we take classes at our local Masjid.Ok after all that introduction comes the fun stuff. First o all i dont get it but we are supposed to pay twenty dollars just to get into the class but once you do get in you have to pay eight dollars for food coloring gel, and frosting, and vanilla extract, and cake knives, and a million other things that probably cost a million dollars im just exagerating. But seriously its insanely alot money for 1 CAKE!!! Just to let u know my mom is a frugal freak she wont spend money on anything that isnt on sale not even paper plates or a pack of CapriSun!! So obviously she wasnt gonna spend a million bucks to get stuff for just a couple of classes so instead she buys a WHOLE CAKE< FROSTED AND EVERYTHING!!! When she brought it home there was 8 minutes left before we had to be at the class. I t gets even funner and funnier but ill save that for later cuz this is getting long and frankly i dont have ebough time but ill login later BY for now.
P.S. I'll post this really cool pizza frosted cake its really awesome.
P.S. I'll post this really cool pizza frosted cake its really awesome.
Hypothetically..... (NEW NAMES)
soo i really dont wanna give out my friends AND enemie's names so wat im goin to do is give them all new names and then talk is if those names were real peeps got it kk thats good im dun talkin now.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hey guys guess what? This year the girls of the Crescent Middle had went to a splash park!!!! In frankenmooth, i know scary right, nope. My friends and i had a blast. It was all night from 11:00 to 5:00 in the morning it wuz crazy. We went on this giant water slide that was soo long it went outside the building and back in it wuz AAAAWWWWSSSOOOMMEE. After a while my best friend Halimah and i got tired so we went outside the water area to watch a movie and just rest, but the movie was totally lame. It was Ice Age the 3rd. There was like no one in the room to begin with. Anywhoo, later on we got back into our wet slimy FREEZING cold swimsuits and got back in the water it wuz soo fun we couldnt keep away. There was also this giant bucket the size of a highway board and it had alot of water in it and when the bell rang that meant it was about to all spill out. That part was mine and suha's favorite part. In brief all the girls wo came had a blast we saw Heylan and Nisreen there to although it felt kinda weird. Well thats it for today SEE YAA!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Nothin 2 say and bored to death
hey people 2 tell u the truth ive really got nothin to say im soooo bored i think i passed the bored to death thing IM ALREADY A GHOST! no im just kiddin with ya.but seriously i mean im just studying for midterms and trust me i wouldn't call that fun unless i had the choice to do that or clean the manure out of a horses stall (i like horsebackriding,except for the manure part uuuuuugh!)well yeah thats really it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllll goodbye!!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
ok so i've got midterms this week right, well my mom says if i get good grades (good grades to me means all A's except for like one B+; for mom good means ALL A+'s AND THATS FINAL!)any way she said if i get good grades she would get me this new breakfast in bed table (i know what your thinkin, lame right but actually its also a laptop and homework desk which i can use on my bed so i can do my homework in bed! Cause see my mom always say things like, "you cant sit on your bed and do your homework or you'll ruin your posture" or "if you sit on your bed then when you go to school you are gonna want to sit on the floor instead of the desk" its annoying but hey she's my mom and i gotta listen to her. Anyway so this thing will help me, but there is just one i problem IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET AN A IN MY HOMEROOM TEACHER"S CLASS IMPOSSIBLE. So obviously all i can do is wimper and cry all day im just kiddin with ya you didnt think i wuz that negative didya? So yeah my mom starts doing that thing where she like oh ill help you with your homework but in the end all she does is end up criticzing every word you write and every thing you do.Well i couldnt go through that torture again so i said"i think i can do this by myself" and she was like totally proud with me "for having confidence" anyway yeah thats it but keep reading my online journal to see what wierd prizes are in store (ive got a wierd life):0 :<)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
ok i admit when i thought of my title for this blog i wasn't thinking who am i kidding although my life is ok im in 7TH grade which means homework,projects, no play and midterms, and finals, i dont know about you but that is not fun. My blog is just to relieve myself of all the anger in me. (I HATE WRITING IN A DIARY i mean it takes so long when i could just type) so yeah im a typical tweenager but actually im almost a teen my birthday is feb so im close to becoming my moms worst nightmare!!:). At least thats what she says!! anywho i gotta go, more stupid studying by!!
UGH we have midterms next week its horrible!And just to add on to my pressure i forgot one of the books i have to study for and the midterm is on MONDAY and i have nothing to study!!! Im totally doomed!!!
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